Hand-made signs in bushes. Text Reads - Are you abolitionist yet?, Defund Police, Google Police 40%

BTV CopWatch is not a non-profit or hierarchical organization. We are an autonomous community of people who aid in community defense through filming the cops, providing mutual aid and community care with Food Not Cops, supporting Queer/Trans/BIPOC, and much more.

Why is it important to film the police?

De-escalation: prevent police violence (in the moment & long-term)

Documenting police action (when useful for court cases, media, etc)

Educate & Empower others to copwatch

Community Care & Defense: providing solidarity& support for people harassed by police

Protest & Disrupt & Abolish existing power structures


We offer copwatch trainings to individuals, groups, events, and organizations with the goal of helping communities build capacity to effectively film the police. Although we cover basic legal rights for anyone filming police, we do not offer comprehensive “know your rights” trainings. We hope sharing our knowledge and experience will help people become more comfortable and prepared to respond to police presence when situations arise. Stay tuned to our social media channels for upcoming training opportunities!

Code of Conduct

Anyone can be a “member” of BTV CopWatch as long as you…